Become a Sponsor
Thinking About Sponsoring the VIEx?
Sponsoring the VIEx (Vancouver Island Exhibition) fair and carnival through donations of all kinds is a terrific way to get exposure to a wide number of people from all walks of life, while doing something great for your community!
Your support keeps the VIEx fair going (and growing!) for your friends, family, the community, while bringing positive attention to you and your business from the general public.
The Vancouver Island Exhibition has many ways to support the fair and become a sponsor. Each method is tailored to you and your business.
To preview our Sponsorship Package download it HERE
Contact us for details on how to support this event and learn more about the benefits to your business!
Community minded sponsors lend or donate services
Financial, materials, time and effort
Shows community support
Great exposure to the community and via paper/radio
Help the fair to continue and grow!
The amount of sponsorship you support determines the rewards your business will receive.
Whether you sponsor a little or a lot, your business will know that it has helped continue a 130 year old tradition in the City Of Nanaimo!
For more information please contact our Sponsorship Director Sonya McCracken using the form below, or call her at 250-713-1020