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Image by Megan Thomas

Prize Book

2024 VIEx Prize Book


September 20th, 21st, & 22nd, 2024

“Get Your Boots Dirty, We’re Turning 130”

The Vancouver Island Exhibition Association is proud to welcome exhibitors and visitors to Nanaimo’s 2024 Country Fair. Our exhibitors are an important part of our fair, adding color, interest, education and entertainment. The 20,000 plus visitors are also an important component to our annual fair, as they constitute the life-blood continuance and without them, the fair would not be possible.

The fair originally started 130 years ago and continues as an annual event to advance the education of agriculture and showcase local farmers and 4-H clubs, bringing agricultural awareness to our community. As farming changes and land becomes more urban, we need to keep our farms alive, to provide top quality products and to encourage the education of the past, present, and future of all areas of agriculture. Although some professionals show at fairs, it is the children that most impress the fairgoers. Bright eyed children and animals are a winning combination. We take a step back to celebrate the simple, but important things in life.

Our country fair is more than just entertainment. The one value we truly exhibit is Family. At our fair, everyone of every age can participate. From displaying jams, jellies and livestock to showing heirloom quilts, artwork, pumpkins, prize flowers, home grown zucchini, fresh baked cookies and pies. Many painstaking but loving hours go into every item and animal on display with hopes of encouraging others to learn different crafts and skills and to especially excite beginners to try new things that can enhance their life skills and self-sufficiency. Our fair is a place to come with family and friends, a place to have fun and honour accomplishments. Our entry fees are kept very low, as is the prize money.

Our fair is presented each year by a core group of hard-working volunteers, who donate many hundreds of hours to carefully organize this annual 3-day event. Many community minded corporate sponsors lend or donate countless services, too numerous to mention. The fair would like to thank all these supporters in the community for their efforts, be it financial, material, hard work, time or effort. With your kind generosity we are excited to welcome you back this year.


We wish all exhibitors the best luck with your entries and extend an invitation to everyone to come to our fair to view the many animals, and shows, to relax and just have fun!

Rules, Information and Special Divisions
Livestock Divisions

Livestock Division
Director: Jim Brown Phone: 250-668-5896 Email:
Livestock Entries:
Entry fees are not refundable. All entry fees are payable when entry form is made and must accompany the form. Entries to be made on proper entry forms. Entries can only be cancelled upon satisfactory proof being given to the Livestock Director that circumstances beyond the control of the exhibitor prevent the exhibitor from showing. Entry form at the back of the book.
Health Requirements:
Exhibitors from OUTSIDE the Province should consult their local district Health of Animals Veterinarian to determine the appropriate qualifying certificate.


Livestock Rules and Regulations:

  1. The amount of space (height and frontage) allotted Exhibitors for storage of feed and straw for a tack room will be in relations to the number and nature of the entries and is subject to the discretion of the Livestock Director.

  2. Entries close September 1st or as posted in each division and must be postmarked no later than that date, as due to restricted space, accommodation will be allotted on the basis of entry received in accordance with above.

  3. REGISTERED NAME AND NUMBER of animals must be on the entry form. Papers are to be available for inspection before judging commences.

  4. Registration and transfer of animals to be shown must be completed in the particular Herd Books concerned and recorded in Friesian Herd Books of Canada prior to the closing date of entries at the Exhibition. Foreign entries must also be registered by this date in their respective Foreign Herd Books, recognized by the Canadian Purebred Organization.

  5. Animals are to be shown in classes in which Exhibitor’s entry form designates. Identification may be required before the animals enter the ring.

  6. Committee chairperson will arrange space.

  7. Exhibitors must bring out their animals for stock judging when requested.

  8. All livestock must undergo a Veterinarian inspection, and any found with communicable diseases or infections will be refused, as well as other animals that may have come into contact with them and if admitted through an oversight, on discovery of the same, it shall be forthwith removed. The Livestock Director, on the advice of the Veterinarian, is authorized to so refuse any animal that is not in apparent good health.

  9. For public and animal safety, all livestock must be halter broken and controllable while on the Vancouver Island Exhibition Grounds.

  10. Substitutions and Additional Entries:

    1. a. Substitutions for health reasons only within any section for single animals in the same class will be permitted on presentation of a Veterinary Certificate covering the animal originally provided.

    2. b. The animal offered as a substitute was owned by the exhibitor on the closing date of entries and

    3. c. The exhibitor furnished to the Livestock Director the information with respect to the substitute animals required.


  12. The management reserves the right to eliminate any breed or class where it is considered there is not sufficient competition. The VIEx reserves the right to limit entries where entries exceed the accommodations. The VIEx will be responsible for the sawdust only in the barns.

  13. The VIEx or Division Heads reserves the right to combine classes.

  14. The VIEx reserves the right to refuse any entry and to return any entry fee without being liable for compensation.

  15. All livestock are the be on the grounds by 8:00 pm Thursday of the Fair Weekend not to leave the grounds until 5:00 pm Sunday of Fair Week. No exceptions.


  17. All barns are to be left clean, with bedding cleaned out. Any exhibitor with dirty stalls shall not receive prize money.

  18. All payments of livestock prize money will be mailed to postal addresses of the prize winners, as recorded on their official entry form, as soon as possible after the close of the Exhibition.



The VIEx’s Primary Premises ID Registration Number is BC44CFP6T
This registration number is required by the Ministry of Agriculture for the movement of Swine and voluntarily for the movement of Poultry

2024 Prize Book

The 2024 Vancouver Island Exhibition Prize book is now available on our website.

Books are also available from select vendors and our office in Beban Park.  

Division B - Livestock Displays

The VIEx will host the following Livestock Displays:
Brown’s Barnyard Babies
Sheep Display
IBR – Island Barrel Racing

​Canadian Horse Drill Team
and more…

Home & Garden Arts
Home and Garden Arts

Home and Garden Arts Division
 Home Arts Coordinator: Contessa Abbott Email:


Entry Times: See Individual Divisions
Important Changes have been made throughout the Home Arts Divisions. Please read these sections carefully, especially noting changes in days & times for entries. This year Home Arts is in two buildings, The Little Red Barn, and The Centennial Building. During registration we will determine which building your entry will be assigned. Please bring entries to the Centennial Building for registrations. 

It is preferred that we receive Non-Perishable entries on Wednesday, September 18th and Perishable entries on September 19th. Home Arts will be open from 10am to 8pm Wednesday September 18th for registration and drop off of entries. We will be open from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Thursday September 19th.  Home Arts will be closed to the public on Thursday, September 19th  at 1:30pm in preparation for judging.

Judging will be held September 19th from 3 :00 pm till completed. Winners will be announced at 6:00 pm in the Little Red Barn that night.

Pick up entries between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM on Sunday September 22, 2024. All unclaimed items and winnings not picked up by 7:00 PM, will be considered a donation to the Fair.

The home arts division is an integral part of our annual agricultural exhibition. The exhibition has been running since 1894 and although it has changed names and locations, what hasn’t changed is the history of Home Arts. The chairperson and committee work throughout the year to put on a display that will highlight a myriad of talents from growing food, to preparing food and everything in between. Thank you to our Volunteers!


Rules & Regulations:

  1. Entries are open to all non-professional and non-commercial exhibitors.

  2. Individuals that own small business or sell from home are welcome to enter items under their personal name only and must be the creator of the entry.

  3. Professionals (exhibitors whose items are produced with the intent of sale) may enter “For Exhibit Only”

  4. With the exception of plants, no entry shall have been previously entered in the VIEx for judging. Exhibits should have been completed within the past two years unless otherwise stated.

  5. All entries in the exhibition must be the bona-fide property of (with a minimum of 14 days) and made/raised by the exhibitor except where otherwise noted.

  6. The Vancouver Island Exhibition Association shall not be liable for any loss to an exhibitor occasioned by fire, accident, condition of structure, or the negligence of other exhibitors or officials.

  7. No exhibit shall be removed from the exhibition until after 5:30 PM, Sunday, September 22, 2024.


  1. All exhibitors must pay advertised gate admission to enter the fair.

  2. Submission dates and judging are held Wednesday and Thursday prior to the fair, unless otherwise stated in Division.

  3. Exhibitors agree to abide by the rules and regulations set out herein. Failure to comply will render the Exhibitor liable to being barred from exhibiting in next and subsequent years, at the discretion of the Executive. Exhibits will be displayed online.

  4. All entries must be submitted between September 18th and September 19th for display and judging, unless otherwise stated in Division.

  5. Additional copies of the Prize Book may be obtained from the VIEx Association, 4-2300 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC. Prize Book is also available online at

  6. The Board of Directors reserves the final right to interpret these rules and regulations and to settle all questions connected with, or incident to, the fair which are not covered herein.



Exhibitors please note -Parking and Vehicular Rules and Regulations. There will be no exceptions to the Vehicular Rules and Regulations.


Home Arts Division – Division Entry Procedure

  1. This year classes can be entered online at www.viex. ca/homearts, in the office before the fair, or during registration days. Items must be on fair grounds prior to closing for judging.

  2. The VIEx takes reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all exhibits. The exhibitor exhibits their entries at their own risk. The VIEx shall not be held responsible or liable for any entry that is lost, stolen or damaged, in any way.

  3. How to enter: Welcome! Submit your entries to either the Centennial Building or Little Red Barn as indicated in your division. You can also pre-register your items on our website.

  4. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to fill out one Exhibit form, for each item entered.

  5. All entries must have Exhibitor tags filled with class entered, ingredients listed, any identification of nuts, and labelled if Vegan, non gluten, or Diabetic friendly.

  6. Attach your Exhibit Tags securely to your entries. Pins, etc. are supplied.

  7. Before you attach any exhibit tags to your items, please bring the Exhibit Tags only to the cashier table. Cash only please.

  8. Entry fees are not refundable in the event of the entry being cancelled by the exhibitor.

       Very Important: Keep all your copies of your Exhibit Tag Receipts as they are now your claim checks for picking up each of           your entries between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM only, Sunday, September 22, 2024.

   9. You must present one original claim ticket for each entry, as they will be checked at the door before removing any item                from the building. No exceptions! You need these claim any prize money.

   10. Age categories: Youth Ages 17 and under (Please state on entry  form) Youth who fail to fill in age will automatically be                   placed in the highest Youth age group.

   11. In order to best showcase your entry you may submit more than one photo per entry

   12. We welcome all special needs exhibitors. Please state “Special Needs” on entry form as this will be taken into consideration           when judging.

   13. Signed articles must have signatures covered so the judges cannot see the name.

   14. Once you have paid for your entries and have attached the Exhibit Tags, place all entries in the receiving area. Our                        volunteers will then place your entries in their respective areas.

   15. Prize winners come to the Cashier to claim their prize money. Should there not be sufficient funds on hand to pay prizes in             full, they will be paid by mail. In some categories there may be an option to receive in kind prizes in lieu of cash. TBA.

   16. Please see your Division and Class for any other special rules or regulations specific to that category

​Note: The judges reserve the right to combine classes if there are not enough entries in each class.

Entry Forms

Entry Forms

Please download and print forms below and return to division chairperson or to


About Us

The Vancouver Island Exhibition takes place each September at Beban Park in Nanaimo.  Join us and celebrate the best in agriculture, local food, and entertainment from across Canada.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday:  10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Closed on all Stat Holidays

Phone:  (250)758-3247

#4 - 2300 Bowen Road

Nanaimo, BC

V9T 3K7

Mailing Address:

Box 37087 Country Club P.O.

Nanaimo, BC

V9T 6N4

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments that you would like to share, please feel free to reach out directly or fill out the form on our contact page.

©2021 by Vancouver Island Exhibition - The Virtual Experience. Proudly created with

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